Sunday, September 8, 2013


I am a huge fan of Diana Gabaldon! And, like everyone else, I've been watching (more like stalking) her website for new juicy details of the anticipated Outlander mini-series to be on STARZ later this year. Even though I don't have STARZ but I am seriously debating on getting it just so I could watch the series (although I already planned on buying the dvds).

Diana is a huge inspiration to me and I thrived to be a writer just like her. Go Diana!

Sam Heughan as Jamie (Yay!)
Tobias Menzies as Jack Randall (Super!)
and other awesome stars has joined the cast as well, but the burning question is who is going to be Claire?

Biting nails and pulling hair, I CAN'T wait for this series to began! I guess, in the mean time, I will just have to make do with re-reading the series again.

Keep Pushing Forward

In the recent weeks I have been trying to learn more on how to be a better author, writer, and reader. It's fun to learn! There are soooooo many things out there that it almost seems overwhelming, but persistent is the key.

I recently read some of the feedbacks to FALLEN and it's tough to read the discouraging ones, but it will help me to improve. It is tough to be a independent author, especially a first-time author, since I am writing this series on my own. It would be better if I had someone to bounce ideas off of, help with editing, or give me constructive criticism. 

Currently, I've started working on the second book of the series: TAKEN. But I am debating to re-publish an extended edition of FALLEN.....hmm.

I've learned that to be a better author, you must be avid reader. And that's what I've been doing! I have been reading non-stop every chance I get because I want to be a better writer. FALLEN is the first book I've ever written because I felt compelled to tell a story, this story. I will continue to write because I want to write and I enjoy it. It would be ideal if I could get an agent, someone who is a guide and a friend.

I am not a published author (yet) but I will be, because persistent is the key.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Things to say

This whole blogging thing is still too new for me. I have been browsing the web and reading some very interesting things that authors (especially newbies like me) have to learn first.

One, we have to have thick skin and be able to take criticism very well down this narrowed path. It is almost too difficult for any new authors to carve another path out of a such a narrowed road.

Second, as an independent author you have to work TWO TIMES harder than others. You have to write a good book because the people who are buying your book will most definitely judge you on the very first thing they read. So if your book is not up to par then you've lost them. On the other hand, if you are a seasoned author with a fan base like J K Rowling (not bad-mouthing her because I am inspired by her) and you so happen to write one not-so-good book that happens to not be well received, your readers are not likely to drop you like a rock.

As a self-published author I can say that writing my YA fantasy FALLEN is one thing (much easier) but getting it out to potential readers is a whole different game (extremely harder). You can use social networking like a blog (like this one) but with no followers it might seem futile.
Twitter? Same.
Facebook? Same.
Instagram? pinterest? Blah, blah, blah. All the same.

But am I going to stop? NO, because if I give up than I have already given in. Can you imagine if some of our greatest minds had given up as well? Like Thomas Edison? If he did than I wouldn't be able to use the lights in my room or type on this computer.

So to everyone who reads this blog (author or not) hang in there.

Friday, August 16, 2013

How discouraging

There are so many things to think and worry about when you are a new author.
First, you have to worry about finishing your novel in a timely matter.
Second, you have edit your novel (like crazy). And even though you think that your novel is polished and complete, sadly (most of the time) it's not. Because you have read your novel (like me) so many times that you see the novel the way you WANT it to be.
Third, you have to jump through the hoops and loops to find a literary agent.

How discouraging...

Then you do all these things and still cannot get an agent because almost all of them say the same thing:
"Don't contact us if we don't contact you."
Hmmmm....funny because that's similar to what you would say to a first date gone wrong.
"Don't call me if I don't call you."

Monday, August 12, 2013

First Chapter is Posted!

The first chapter of FALLEN is now available for your reading pleasure!

Why this blog is...

For everyone who is wondering why this blog, my twitter (, or my facebook ( is so new because they are NEW.

The reason that I had decided to create this blog was because I wanted to introduce FALLEN to everyone.
I had to create both my Twitter and Facebook pages quickly so they are VERY new.

I have had limited time between the editing and getting FALLEN published that I have not had the time to put the word out to the community of any of these.

But...(hopefully) FALLEN is well-received and these pages won't be as neglected.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

One small step

I can't count how many times I have edited and re-edited FALLEN but it's finally done and I'm happy to say is on it's way out for everyone's enjoyment!

After I had finish editing than I re-edit and so on and so on for countless number of times, but I hope that my efforts are not in futile attempts.

Only the future will tell...

There are times that when I was reading another book, I found myself editing THAT book too! (hahaha)

Later on, I will post a link to where the book will be available.

But, while the wait...

The first chapter will be posted (hopefully) tomorrow.